Forcado and Holifresh: A winning recipe for cold chain management

Forcado, which was founded in 2015, is renowned for its delicious pasteis de nata, artisan Portuguese pastries, and also offers a range of lactose-free pastries. With two shops located in St-Gilles and Uccle, as well as a production workshop in Forest, Forcado also provides regular deliveries to its B2B customers.

Forcado discovered Holifresh through their trusted refrigeration specialist, Froireca, who had already had positive experiences with Holifresh solutions. Looking for an effective solution to monitor the temperatures of their refrigeration equipment, Forcado began working with Holifresh, a decision they have not looked back on.

The Forcado team has equipped its refrigerators and cold rooms with temperature sensors supplied by Holifresh, enabling them to monitor the storage conditions of their products in real time. In addition, they have adopted HoliAPP, a solution provided by Holifresh, to manage their recipes and plan their daily tasks.

Louis Henon expressed his great satisfaction with Holifresh, pointing out that the solution had made their lives much easier by facilitating the day-to-day management of the business. In addition, he noted that during FASFC (Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) inspections, inspectors appreciate the instant availability of data thanks to Holifresh.

Finally, during the interview, Louis Henon made an interesting announcement: Forcado plans to open a new shop in early 2024, an expansion that testifies to the company's continued growth and success.

The story of Forcado and its partnership with Holifresh is a great example of how technology can improve the operational efficiency of businesses while ensuring product quality and safety. It also reinforces Holifresh's reputation as a leading solution for cold chain monitoring and operations management in the food sector.