Our platform


An intuitive cloud platform accessible from any device: smartphone, tablet or computer!

Our networks

Independent networks

Networks specially designed for connected objects (Sigfox and/or Lora) that transfer data anywhere in the world without any internet connection or cable!

IOT sensors

Sensors for sensitive parameters (temperature, humidity,...)

A range of battery-powered IOT (Internet of Things) sensors with a long lifespan for recording your sensitive parameters

Holifresh CloudPlatform

Follow your parameters in real time and digitise your sanitary / HACCP control plan

For a monitoring that safes you time every day

Simple, complete and upgradeable


A simple and intuitive platform! You and your teams will be able to use the platform very easily, even in the event of major changes within your teams.

Complete and upgradeable

Our platform has been specially created to meet your business and your needs. It has been designed with the user in mind, both in terms of its ergonomics and its functionalities! All your wishes and requests can be found there, don't hesitate to come and discover it.

Furthermore, we continue to develop and improve our platform on a daily basis to make it more efficient.

If you have a request or a feedback, do not hesitate and we will take it into account!

Smart and intuitive alarms


A complete alarm system, available by email, SMS or phone call. 

Intuitive alarms with a direct link to the zone that triggered the alarm.

Our platform imposes no limits in terms of the number of alarms or the number of recipients, allowing a real cascading system and allowing you to react to avoid costly loss of goods due to a break in the cold chain!

Diverse functionalities

Our Cloud platform is able to meet all your requests and needs!

Our varied use cases have enabled us to develop all the functionalities, essential or secondary, which are useful to you on a daily basis! 


  • Temperature visualisation (graph/table)
  • Highlighting of temperature anomalies on graphs
  • Note-taking on graphs, can be included in reports
  • Temperature reports Pdf, Excell. (Notes, graphs, tables, min, max, avg)
  • Automatic report sent periodically / automatic validation option 
  • Malfunction alarms (batteries, sensors, etc.)
  • On-line calibration certificate
  • User manual and video tutorials
  • Multi-user access
  • Others...

What makes our sensors special Discover our networks

Sigfox Network

The Sigfox network is the first and leading IOT network.
It is present in more than 71 countries around the world, including the whole of Europe. It is a "public" network, providing a connexion everywhere even during deliveries.

Lora network

Lora Network (LoRaWan), is the second largest IOT network in the world. It is a on-site connection system allowing each company to create its own frequency-based network.

The main sensors

No need for Wifi or internet
Our networks are independent

Do not require any power supply

Low energy consumption
Long life batteries.

HOLI101™ Sensor

Refrigeration rooms Transport

Measured data: Temperatures
IOT Network: Sigfox

Compliant with HACCP standards
External sensor - wide temperature range
(-80C° - 450C°)
Long-life battery (3 years - Dispatches every 15 min.)
Calibration certificate INCLUDED

HOLI321™ Sensor


Measured data:
Temperatures / IOT network: LoRaWan

Compliant with HACCP standards
Internal sensor - wide temperature range (-30C° - +90C°)
Long-lasting battery (3 years - Dispatches every 15 min.)
Calibration certificate INCLUDED

Holi601™ SENSOR


Measured data: Temperatures
IOT Network: Sigfox

Compliant with HACCP standards
Internal sensor - wide temperature range (-40C° - +50C°)
Battery (1 year - Registration every 10 min. and dispatch every 30 min.)

Available as a 2 year battery.
Calibration certificate INCLUDED

Other sensors and parameters are also available such as :

relative humidity


temperatures at -80°C