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AugustinSep 5, 2024 1:51:09 PM2 min read

Triangle Partners and Cold Chain Risk Management

Triangle Partners and Cold Chain Risk Management

In the cold chain management sector, understanding and minimizing the financial risks associated with equipment failures is essential. Julien De Maere of Triangle Partners, an expert in insurance brokerage, shares his expertise on the importance of specific insurance for companies handling products sensitive to temperature variations.


Introduction of the expert and Triangle Partners

Julien De Maere, with over 25 years of experience in insurance brokerage, including 20 years dedicated to the corporate sector, sheds light on Triangle Partners' specialization. Founded in 1989, this company has a team of ten people and is connected to a network of international brokers, allowing it to cover risks in Belgium, Africa, the Middle East, and France.


The imperative of insurance for the cold chain

Julien clearly explains the stakes: a fridge failure can result in costly merchandise losses, often estimated between 5,000 and 10,000 euros. Specific insurance, such as all-risk defrosting and business interruption coverage, is therefore crucial to protect companies against these unforeseen incidents.

Types of insurance for temperature issues

Two main insurances cover these risks. The first is "all-risk defrosting" insurance, which can come into play in case of electrical failure or machine breakdown. The second, "business interruption" insurance, covers fixed costs if a disaster forces a business to close, thus ensuring financial continuity in times of crisis.

Impacts of Holifresh solutions on insurance premiums

The use of Holifresh's alarm systems, which prevent temperature variations, can significantly influence negotiations with insurers. These systems reduce the risk of claims, which can lead to more favorable insurance terms for companies. Julien emphasizes that this technology is an advantage for both clients and insurers, often allowing for rate renegotiation after a period without incidents.

Comment on the collaboration with Holifresh

Julien appreciates the synergy between Triangle Partners and Holifresh, noting that both entities play a complementary role in raising awareness and managing the risks of merchandise loss. He acknowledges the importance of Holifresh in securing the cold chain, highlighting the significant impact this can have beyond immediate financial losses.

In conclusion, Julien De Maere's interview highlights the crucial importance of appropriate insurance for companies involved in cold chain management. Holifresh's solutions play a key role in risk reduction, proving that prevention is as crucial as coverage.


Minimize your risks with Holifresh

Ensure the continuity and security of your business with Holifresh's innovative solutions. Contact us to find out how we can help you minimize your financial and operational risks.